Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A good life - the play

So, here are more pictures from our very busy weekend. On Saturday night, we went to see a play about Madison County at the Madison County high school. Sarah Cook, Beatrice, and Jacob and Ossian Wienges were in it. It was based on various stories told by people who were from Madison County. I regret not taking my grandmother to see it since she grew up on Moons Grove Road and my great grandmother is buried in the cemetery behind Moons Grove Church as well as my great aunt and great uncle and other relatives I'm sure. I have a lot of family history in Madison County. My other great grandmother traveled here in a wagon when she was 7 or 8 and lived in Hull where she had my grandfather and all his siblings. She lives to be over 100 years old and I'm sure she had some great stories. I didn't really know her all that well. It's pretty cool to think about how deep my roots to this area are.

So, The play was great! The kids enjoyed it a lot too and there was so much history thrown in. What a great way to learn about it. We had to talk about the KKK, douche bags, habitat for humanity, immigration, and many other interesting subjects. What a wonderful lesson into history for all of us.

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