Athens has a new/old skating rink. The Athens Skate Inn wa s open when I was a kid and it closed when I was a kid and now it is open again. It's a slightly smaller rink than the Athens Skate Around, but it is so much cleaner and brighter and not as loud and seems to be run by much nicer people. We are very happy to have a new place to roller skate. The last time we went to the other rink, I really didn't think I would be able to bring myself to go back. The kids love skating as does their dad. I'm not so good at it, myself, but the next time we go, I'm going to skate. I didn't on Thursday because I wasn't feeling so good, but I'll get on the floor and maybe Jason and I can do a slow skate :) and totally embarrass the kids! Wouldn't that be awesome? We met our good friends the Bray's there and wore all the kids out... Here are our pictures.
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