Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A sense of relief

I know I have plenty of readers who won't agree with me today, but I have a huge sense of relief and am more proud of American Citizens than I have been in at least 8 years. It was 8 years ago that I first heard Obama give a speech and I knew then that if he ever ran for president, he would get my vote - no question. I believe he IS the change our country needs. I am inspired by someone so inspired to bring about change and someone not afraid of saying things other politicians have been afraid to say and be honest about. I am excited that he will be leading our country. I believe we will see the changes so many of us are hungry for. I have never believed in anyone that has EVER run for president in my lifetime as much as I believe in Barack Obama. I believe him when he says he will listen, I believe him when he says he is about the American People - ALL of them, the wealthy and the not so wealthy, I believe he has a sense of purpose about him and that there are good things to come, great changes. I believe he IS the beginning of the end of the line of corruption and greedy leaders and that we are moving into a new era of leadership where conservation of our planet and peace in the world will become possible. I believe he will work very hard maybe harder than many before him and that he will live up to his promises as best he can and that he will be honest when he can't and explain to the American People why. I believe he will ask for our help when he needs it. I believe he will serve us and that it won't be any easy job, but he will do it with integrity and that our world will become a better place for everyone, not just Americans. The American people spoke last night. We now have Obama as our president, and a democratic majority in both the senate and the house. The American people are tired of big business and useless greed that just drives a deeper wedge between the haves and have nots. I am proud to be an American today as the country I believe in and the democracy I believe in has proven itself and we DO have a voice and we DO have a choice and we have spoken that we are ready for change! YES WE DID!


  1. Whoooo Hooooo! It does not get better than this. I was proud to tell Austin who became president last night.

  2. Whoooo Hooooo! It does not get better than this. I was proud to tell Austin who became president last night.

  3. I can't agree more. Yeah US!!!
    Terri J
