Friday, February 11, 2011

Preparations for the Quilt Show

I did NOT manage my time well yesterday and I did NOT start cutting fabric on Ashley's pillow.  (Don't worry Ashley. It WILL get done.)

What I did manage to do is get the Shakti Belts ready for the quilt show.


I'm so excited to have an opportunity to hang them up in this years Cotton Patch Quilters Guild quilt show, Hot Threads, Cool Quilts.  As far as I know, no one else has ever entered Belly Dance belts into the show. but there was some work involved in figuring out how to hang them.


We were only allowed 3 entries in each category this year and there are 6 belts.  How was I supposed to make 6 belts into only 3? 

I entered them as 1- with the understanding I would come up with the presentation.


Naturally, I had to figure out ON the day all the paperwork was due what my presentation would look like. They needed to know ahead of time so those wonderful women who are in charge of figuring out where everything is going to go when the hanging begins could get to work before they had the quilts themselves.  There is A LOT of order to the chaos the day the quilts go up and A LOT of behind the scenes work in preparation for the show.  It is really astonishing the amount of work that goes into those three days.

I laid them out on some felt to photograph them, then I measured around them and thought to myself I could apply velcro to the backs of them and they would just stick to the felt.  I thought I had it all figured out.  I sent my measurements in and all was well.

Now, they are due on Saturday (I'm not waiting until the last minute or anything - Saturday being tomorrow and all.).  I had to reattach chains and glue new sparklies on in the places where they have fallen off and I have NO velcro.  I went to the store.  I looked at it and decided to try safety pins because they would be a lot less work and a lot less sewing when I want to be sewing on NEW projects - like Ashley's pillow.

I still have to make a couple of labels for other entries.  This should have already happened. Turn in is tomorrow and all will be back to normal in my world - that is until I read the judges remarks at the end of the show and I wander off into my cave to lick my wounds...

Here are the Shakti Belts almost ready for the show...

AND because I didn't sew on Velcro I can move that one on the bottom a little lower and center it a little more. (Thank goodness for those safety pens.)

1 comment:

  1. What a unique idea! I've never seen these, good luck with the show.
