Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Farewell, is always so hard to say... until next time... knowing that precious little face is going to change and the next time we see it she will be twice as tall and walking and talking... What a bright light this little one is. Another blessing to us all.

The thing I most love about Shane coming home is catching up with all our old friends. The folks who helped mold us into who we are today. It's not that we don't see them all and keep in touch, the energy is just different, it is more inviting and we are all excited to be together again. It's like that puzzle with the missing piece and it just isn't complete and it is hard to fully appreciate the puzzle until you find it. We are super blessed to still be as close to the folks we were close with in high school. We still reminisce about the crazy things we used to do and the fun we had, but there is never a moment when we don't appreciate each other for being there all these years and knowing we could always count on each other no matter what happened. (I could tell you plenty of stories to prove this to be true.) I love getting my cup refilled of the energy of our days gone by. My sides always hurt and my cheeks are always sore when I get to share time with these friends. When we get together to celebrate all seriousness is left at the door, just about anything can be laughed at or a joke made from. We have grown up and we have changed and our lives have gone in different directions, but none of that matters. I really love these folks, they were my first taste of what friendships could REALLY be and that there are people out there that WILL accept someone just as they are without strings attached. We now take that into our lives and forge new relationships knowing that it is possible to love others so deeply and know that they love you equally. So, we say goodbye and look forward to the next time life brings us back together and reminds us just how important we are to one another.
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