Monday, April 13, 2009

playing catch up yet again

I haven't been feeling the blog lately, but after numerous folks have ask whether I was ever going to post again, I thought I should start back up... As many of you know, we had a snow storm on March 1st. The most snow GA has seen in years. It took out our power for 5 days and 4 nights, so those were the last pictures I had taken on my camera and as sore as I was with the snow, I just didn't want to write anything all the negative since my blog is nothing short of thankful. I was NOT thankful for the snow. Looking back on it now, I'm finding myself more thankful for it. Though it was freaking cold in the house and unpleasant to be here, I realized how dependent we are on our lifestyle and I realized how I want to get out of that and be less dependent on many of the more modern conveniences. We had no flashlights or candles to amount anything and no oil in our lamps. We had NO gas for the grill and NO firewood to keep us warm. We were so unprepared to be without our electricity. Thankfully, the kids were able to stay with my parents - and we were too, but we have all the animals that have to be taken care of and my grandmother was home without her electricity also, so we wanted to be close. I learned a lot during the time our lights were out about myself and my resolve to get off the grid grew exponentially as did my desire to be more self sufficient. The snow was pretty as it was coming down and the kids did have a great time playing in it. Here are a few pictures from the snow a good month late now that spring is here and I have found a reason to be thankful for it...

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