Sunday, November 7, 2010

more thread painting

The first corner design on the dragonfly quilt. All 4 corners are going to look very similar to this one. It's time consuming and for some reason the whole basting the stabilizers and pattern together drives me crazy so I procrastinate about it. I need to think more along the lines of stabilizers that are sticky, but the pattern would still have to be basted... I'm thinking it through right now, but you could draw the pattern on the fabric which is what most people do I think, but I couldn't do that and get it to look right - I did try. I need to find an overhead projector because the projector I have tends to be hard to use and it has to be so far from the wall that we have a hard time finding a place that is both high enough that the image doesn't hit the floor and has room to really blow it up to the size I need it. A lot of times I take my drawings and have them blown up at Athens Blueprint, but they can't print it on fabric... got some thinking and googling to do.

This is really fun and new territory for me. I'm already thinking of future projects!!!





1 comment:

  1. very, very impressed with your thread painting....its beautiful!!!! Sew on, girl!!!!!
